“When will my baby start walking?”
“When will my baby say mama/dada?”
As your child grows and develops, there must be thousands of questions like this popping up in your mind. Fret not, let’s find out all about your baby’s milestones during this exciting developmental journey.
4 – 6 Months
Every child is unique, but there are some general milestones that most children reach at certain ages. The very first milestone that your child could reach is rolling over, which usually occurs around 4-6 months of age. This is the first indication that the baby is gaining control over their body. For instance, they might start pushing themselves up onto elbows when on their tummy or getting to bring their hands to their mouth. At this stage, the baby also begins to be aware of the surroundings where they might respond to your voice, looks at you or makes a sound to keep your attention.
6 – 8 Months
Around 6-8 months, most children will begin to crawl. This is a major milestone as it marks the beginning of mobility and independence for the child, and they might also start to sit up on their own. You might also observe that they tend to put things into their mouth and try to reach for and grasp objects, as this is the time when your child begins to explore. This is the time that you will need to get ready by removing all the sharp or dangerous objects to ensure your child’s safety!
9 – 12 Months
“MAMAMAMAMA” “BABABABABBA” You will get to hear a lot of different sounds like this when your child reaches 9-12 months of age. This is the stage where they start to develop language skills and will be able to express their needs by pointing with their fingers. They also start to become more active and adventurous where they may pull themselves up onto furniture, stand without assistance, and take their first steps. Parenting tips! Peek-a-boo or looking for things you hide will be their favourite activity at this point as they begin to understand that objects or people will still be there even though they cannot see them.
Ages 1 – 2
Eventually, the children continue to grow and develop rapidly when they move into the toddler stage. Between the ages of 1 and 2, they become more confident walkers, run and climb, and become more vocal. They may also try to use a spoon or drink from a cup though they may spill sometimes. Your toddler will also begin to develop their personal preferences and personalities and may become more independent and defiant.
Age of 3
By age 3, most children will be able to converse in a short conversation with you and ask “who”, “what”, “where”, or “why” questions, e.g. “Where is daddy/mommy?”. They will also be able to complete simple tasks like putting on clothes by themselves or using the bathroom. By the age of 3, children may also start to sort shapes and colours. They start to become more curious and ask questions and continue to build their social skills by playing with other children.
Apart from the developmental milestones mentioned earlier, there are other interesting and vital milestones that parents and caregivers should be aware of to support and encourage their children’s holistic growth. As per the research published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children should attain specific developmental milestones before the age of 5. By getting familiar with these milestones, parents can provide their children with the necessary care and guidance to help them realize their full potential.
In conclusion, the importance of developmental milestones cannot be overstated as they serve as markers of progress and give parents and caregivers an idea of what to expect as their child grows. It’s crucial to remember that while these milestones are essential indicators of growth, each child progresses at their own pace. Some may achieve certain milestones earlier or later than others, and this is entirely normal. By providing a safe and nurturing environment and supporting your child’s development at each stage, you can help them reach these milestones and unlock their full potential.
If you still have concerns about your child’s development, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider to address any issues. Greyspace Mental Health Services offers a wide range of mental health services, including counseling intervention, child developmental assessments, and screening for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are always available to assist you with any concerns or questions you may have.
Click here to find out more about our services.
Remember, every child develops at their own pace, so try not to compare your child to others and celebrate their unique strengths and abilities!
Written & arranged by
Ms. Lee Kai Ming, Counselling Associate of Greyspace.
CDC’s Developmental Milestones: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html